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Jamun is one of the most beneficial fruit for human health. It is also known by the name of black plum and is a summer fruit which is popular in every household. It belongs to the Myrtaceae family. The ancient system of medicine, Ayurveda, celebrates the fruit of Jamun for the several benefits it offers, and a few are mentioned below:

Beneficial for diabetic patients: Ayurveda recommends the diabetic patients to consume jamun. Research has proven that jamun has a lot of potential to e used in making drugs that would be a safer option. Another research has shown that a 30% decrease can be seen in the levels of blood sugar when jamun is consumed daily. Secondary complications that are known to occur because of diabetes are also reduced with the consumption of jamun. Excess thirst and frequent urination are also kept under control with jamun. Madhumehantak Churna is consumed by many diabetic patients which is an Ayurvedic product of jamun.

Good for immune system and improving bone strength: Some healthy nutrients like iron, calcium, potassium, and Vitamin C are present in high amounts in jamun. Because of the presence of these nutrients, it enhances the functioning of the immune system and strengthens your bones. Jamun is widely used in Ayurveda to relieve stress.

Keeps you safe from heart diseases: Anthocyanidins, elegiac acid and anthocyanins are the compounds that are present in jamun. These compounds are well-known for their anti-inflammatory effect. Apart from that, they are also very good anti-oxidants. Thus, jamun helps in preventing cholesterol oxidation and formation of plaque that can increase your heart risks. Besides the benefits that are already mentioned, jamun is a rich source of potassium. We all know that potassium prevents hypertension and hypertension is a significant risk factor for those who are prone to heart diseases. It is said that in each 100g serving of jamun, the amount of potassium present is 55g.

Useful in treating infections: The jamun fruit is not the only thing that is utilitarian. The other parts of the plant, that is, its seed, barks, and leaves, have their own health benefits too. One of those health benefits is treating infections.

All these parts have the capability of treating infections. Compounds like malic acid, tannins, oxalic acid and gallic acid are present in jamun. These compounds are responsible for the antibacterial, gastroprotective and antimalarial properties of the plant.

Aids in digestion and improves oral health: Since the ancient times, the jamun leaves have been used in Ayurveda and are known to be atisara that are known to prevent diarrhea. It is very useful against Krimi, that is, worm infestation. They are considered to be very helpful in treating gastric disorders like dysentery, diarrhea, indigestion and dyspepsia. They are also helpful for the gums and keep the teeth in good condition because of their anti-bacterial properties. Thus, jamun is a useful pachani.

Other uses: Ayurvedic medicine using Jamun as an ingredient helps in combating menstrual disorders. Also, Ayurveda uses this fruit in many of its medicines to increase haemoglobin content. Also, Ayurveda suggests using the dried powder on the facial skin to increase the fairness and improve the skin texture.

With loads of health benefits, Jamun is considered to be one of the effective ingredients in many of the Ayurvedic medicines. Hence, consider consuming Jamuns every day to improve your health.

The mere thought of biting into a chilled watermelon or sipping chilled watermelon juice during summer is a refreshing thought. What many do not readily realise is that not just they are not just a refresher, but they are also loaded with multiple health benefits. Another surprising fact is that they have been in use since 5000 years ago and are referred to in ancient literature. There are about 300 varieties and are easily available during summer.

Many may think that watermelon is loaded with water. However, there are also multiple compounds including vitamins and minerals; vitamins C, A, B1, B5, and B6; minerals like potassium and magnesium, and compounds like carotenoids and lycopene. These have multiple benefits on the health and so watermelon can be consumed without any second thought in abundance.

Read on to know some of the wonders of this melon.

Hydration: One of the best remedies to avoid the ill effects of summer is to improve hydration levels, and there could be no better way to do this than with watermelon (eat it or drink it!) It is 92% water, and therefore leaves you refreshed and rejuvenated.

Heart health: Lycopene helps reduce cholesterol, reduce thickening of artery walls, and reduces oxidative stress. The various minerals and vitamins also add to the heart health qualities of watermelon. The citrulline in it also increases nitric oxide level in the body, which expands or dilates blood vessels and improves blood pressure.

Anti-inflammatory benefits: The lycopene and Vitamin C reduce the levels of C-reactive protein which are responsible for inflammation. The antioxidant levels also lower inflammation, thereby reducing the onset of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Eye health: Watermelons, through their anti-inflammatory effects, reduce the onset of age-related macular degeneration. Those who already have it can also see the delayed progression of the condition, thereby prolonging vision loss.

Muscle soreness: Those who have muscle soreness should reach out for a slice of watermelon to get instant relief from this soreness. Watermelon also improves exercise endurance and performance, and the added benefit on the heart also improves exercise tolerance.

Skin and hair benefits: These benefits come from multiple sources in the melon. The vitamin A helps improve skin regeneration, vitamin C helps collagen formation and improved skin tone. Lycopene and beta-carotene help control the damage caused by sun exposure and pigmentation.

Digestive benefits: The very nature of watermelon almost completely water and high fibre directly benefits the stomach. It cleanses the stomach and promotes bowel movement. Not just the red portion, even the rind and seeds are beneficial as there is a lot of citrulline and chlorophyll which are also healthy.

Though it is bitter to taste, karela (bitter gourd) is packed with essential nutrients. It is an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, folate, zinc, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and has high dietary fibre. Karela is extremely rich in iron and contains twice the calcium of spinach, twice the beta-carotene of broccoli, and twice the potassium of a banana.

Drinking raw karela juice provides excellent medicinal benefits. It works as a tonic for diabetes and asthma patients. Read on to know some of the health benefits of this wonder gourd.

Weight management: Per 100 grams of this fruit contains just about 20 calories, and is one of the best low-calorie foods. Coupled with its other benefits, this should find its way to anyone wanting to improve overall health.

Diabetes: Karela has the chemical polypeptide-P, also known as plant insulin, actually helps in blood sugar control. It works as an insulin for diabetics. A glass of bitter gourd juice is one of the most well-known and successful remedies for diabetics.

Rich in folate: Bitter gourd is rich in folates and one can get up to 20% of the recommended daily from about 100 grams of this fruit. Karela is widely consumed by pregnant and menstruating women to prevent anemia and to keep blood iron levels in control. In pregnancy, it helps in reducing neural tube defects in the developing embryo.

Loaded with antioxidants: Alpha and beta-carotenes, xanthenes, and lutein - all these help in controlling the release of free radicals from the body and in reducing bodily inflammation. This is the most important reason for the development of diseases like diabetes, cancer, and premature ageing and bitter gourd helps in preventing or prolonging the onset of such diseases. Another independent antioxidant is vitamin C, and about 100 grams of karela provide more than 100% of the daily required dose.

Good for digestion: Bitter gourd is widely used for its digestive properties. It improves mobility, relieves constipation, and reduces problems of indigestion.

Good for the respiratory system: Bitter gourd juice is the best for treating your respiratory problems. Its juice is the best remedy for curing respiratory issues like cold, cough, and even asthma.

Blood purifier: It is an excellent blood purifier. Karela juice is one of the best ways to detoxify the body if consumed in the morning.

Though still to be proven, karela is known to help HIV/AIDS patients, as they contain phytochemicals, which are known to improve immunity and reduce overall infection and inflammation in the body.

Methods of Use:

Both the leaves and the bitter gourd per se can be consumed for their health benefits.

The juice is the most beneficial method, though it might take you some time to acquire this taste. Whether it is for weight loss or diabetes, this offers the best medicinal value.

Curries are usually prepared with karela in different styles depending on cooking preferences in that area.

It can also be baked, boiled, and fried.

After reading these amazing benefits, hope you will relish karela beyond its bitter taste.

A recent analysis of spinach’s nutritional properties placed it at the top of the nutrient-rich foods list. Spinach is a superlative source of manganese, folate, copper, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, and calcium. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 100-gram serving of spinach has 28.1 micrograms of vitamin C, which is equivalent to 34 percent of the recommended dietary allowance. Researchers in England found that including 1.15 servings (a little more than a cup) of spinach in your every day diet reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 14 percent.

Spinach is indeed a promising food, which is loaded with health benefits. Let us find out more about the health benefits of spinach with these quick pieces of information.

Prevents cancer: One of the foremost qualities of eating spinach on a regular basis is that it helps in the prevention of cancer. This is due to the fact that the level of chlorophyll that you may find in spinach, is absolutely apt when it comes to blocking the entry and effect of carcinogenic material and elements in your body. These are the elements that may enter your body due to pollution as well as through some of the processed foods that we consume. Therefore, you should eat plenty of spinach, especially in today’s day and age of adulterated food and pollution, to mitigate the effect of these elements and to prevent cancer. Spinach is also highly recommended for those who have a history of cancer in their family and are at a higher risk of developing the same.

Helps in managing diabetes: Alpha lipoic acid is one of the most well-known antioxidants that can be found in spinach. This is one of the rare elements that help in lowering the glucose levels in the body even as it increases sensitivity towards insulin. This, in turn, helps in taking care of your diabetes without constant medication.

Brings down blood pressure: Spinach is of great value for patients who have been suffering from problems like hypertension as it brings down the blood pressure levels. This is because spinach manages to negate the effect of sodium, which may be found in the body. This happens due to the high potassium content, which is present in this leafy green vegetable.

Increases the health of bones: Low consumption of vitamin K has been associated with a higher risk of bone fracture. Adequate consumption of vitamin K is important as it acts as a modifier of bone matrix proteins - improves absorption of calcium and reduces excretion of calcium through urinary.

Gives you good skin and hair: With the constant ingestion of spinach, you can also get shinning hair and glowing skin due to Vitamin C and collagen element that is found in abundance in this vegetable.

While you may not consume 10 large radishes in a single sitting, a 100-gram portion serves a good nutritional value. Radish is an excellent source of vitamin C - 25% of the daily recommended value and helps in rebuilding of tissues, blood vessels and will keep your teeth and bones very strong. Vitamin C fights disease, increasing the immunity of your body, and helping to fight against all types of diseases, including stroke, heart disease, and cancer.

Radish is also known as 'Raphanus raphanistrum', can be eaten raw (in salads) or can be used in the preparation of different cuisines. While many people trash away radish greens, they are actually one of the best parts of this root vegetable. Although they are not among those classic leafy green vegetables, Radish greens are packed with some lesser known but important nutrients that can fill out a healthy diet.

Radish greens are an excellent source of vitamins (such as - riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, folate, C, E, K), minerals (like - iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, potassium, manganese, magnesium), protein, and dietary fiber.

What Are Radish Greens?
Radish greens are the green leaves on top of the radish itself. These radish greens have an earthen, peppery taste, making them a nutritional addition to any salad. Besides, they can also be used in sandwiches or salted for a healthy side dish. So, if you are among those countless people who just trash the radish greens away, change your ways and include this new food in your diet. Read on to know more about the benefits-

Let us get a quick look at the various benefits that radish greens have to offer:

1.The Radish leaves have antibacterial properties that go a long way to treat the condition of piles.
For maximum results, crush the radish leaves, preferably the dry leaves to a fine powder, add sugar and water to it, mix well (make a paste) and consume daily. Alternately, one can also apply the paste at the inflamed area for some relief.

2.The radish leaves are laden with iron and Vitamin C and can work wonders for people with iron deficiency, low hemoglobin level, extreme weakness, and fatigue.

3.The high phosphorous content of radish leaves makes it vital for boosting the immune system.

4.Radish leaves are a rich source of dietary fiber and are also known for their natural laxative and diuretic properties (contain Vitamin B6) taking care of conditions such as constipation and kidney stones or gallbladder stones respectively.

5.Not known to many, but the radish leaves serve as an excellent remedy for Hyperbilirubinemia (increased level of bilirubin in the blood) triggered by a condition known as Jaundice.

6.The radish leaves play a significant role in regulating the blood glucose level and are highly recommended for diabetic patients.

7.The radish leaves are packed with many vital and essential nutrients and serves as a natural detoxifying agent, cleansing the body of the harmful toxins. The detoxification goes a long way to keep the body (both physical and mental) hale and hearty.

8.The application of a paste comprising of radish leaves, sugar, (take both in equal quantity) and water on the knee joints work wonders to alleviate the pain and discomfort triggered by Rheumatism.

9.The radish leaves have antiseptic properties and act as a natural moisturizer. Thus, the radish leaves take care of a myriad of skin problems such as dry and chapped skin, rashes, to name a few.

10.The consumption of radish leaves provides relief from colds and other respiratory infections and discomfort.

11.The flavonoids Anthocyanins present in radish leaves minimizes the risk of various heart ailments and cardiovascular disorders by many folds.

12.The radish leaves are also known for their anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties and play an instrumental role to ward off many health conditions including cancer.

How to use radish greens for Jaundice treatment

-Crush radish leaves and extract the juice using a muslin cloth
-Consume 1/2 liter of this juice for 10 days

This is helpful in improving your condition of jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia. With so many health benefits, it would be foolish to exclude radish leaves from the diet.

Dr. Vinod Shinde
Dr. Vinod Shinde
BAMS, Ayurveda Dietitian, 17 yrs, Pune
Dr. Nikhil N  Asawa
Dr. Nikhil N Asawa
MDS, Implantologist Prosthodontist, 6 yrs, Pune
Dr. Rachana Parmar
Dr. Rachana Parmar
MBBS, Gynaecologist Infertility Specialist, 20 yrs, Pune
Dr. Suhas Shingte
Dr. Suhas Shingte
BAMS, Family Physician General Physician, 18 yrs, Pune
Dr. Shivangi Patil
Dr. Shivangi Patil
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Gynaecologist Infertility Specialist, 10 yrs, Pune