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Used extensively in Asian and oriental cooking, baby corn has been touted as one of the healthiest veggies you can add to your stir fries and salads. Baby corns are just regular corns which are picked before maturing. In terms of nutritive profile too, baby corn and corns vary very slightly. In fact, for those trying to lose weight baby corn may just prove to be a better bet, because of its relatively lesser starch content. Baby corns have found a popular fan following in the west too. It is one of the most imported vegetables across the world. Here are some essential benefits of baby corn you must know.

1. Low In Calories

Baby corn is very low in calories. 100 grams of baby corn has only 26 calories. Adding the lovely veggie to your weight reduction diet may help you shed some quick and easy pounds.

2. Rich In Fibre

Baby corns picked in the correct age are full of beneficial fibres, notes the book 'Healing Foods', by DK Publishing. Soluble fibre helps control blood sugar levels, and is also good for heart. Fibre adds bulk to the stool and aids in bowel regularity. Fibre takes the longest to digest, thereby inducing a feeling of fullness. This feeling prevents you from bingeing into other high-fat foods.

3. Low-Carb Veggie

While corn is famous for its high starch and carb content, baby corn is less starchy. It has 0.9 grams per one serving (28 grams). It also has negligible fat content, which makes it a better bet for weight loss.

4. Nutrient Dense

Baby corn is an extremely nutrient dense veggie. In addition to essential fibres and proteins, baby corns are packed with vital antioxidants too. It is said that just half cup serving meets 4 percent of the daily body requirement of vitamin A and iron, and 2 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

5. Stimulates Digestion

Baby corn is packed with both soluble and insoluble fibres. Fibres help stimulate a healthy digestion. A healthy digestive system may also help in healthy and effective weight loss.

6. Promotes Healthy Vision

Yellow baby corn, much like the matured corn has a decent amount of carotenoids. Carotenoids support eye health and lower the risk of cataracts.

7. Rich Source Of Folate

Baby corns are a rich source of folate. The folic acid is said to play an important role in preventing neural-tube birth defects in the foetus. Pregnant women may want to add baby corn in their pregnancy diet for healthy nutrition.

From weight loss to healthy vision, baby corn is a storehouse of health benefits. Don't let its mini size deceive you into believing otherwise.

When it comes to healthcare, there are enough number of reasons why men should pull up their socks. Although visiting doctors, going to the gym and having regular medical check-ups is imperative, there are natural foods that are also equally important for a good healthful life. Having said that, meet man's best friend - pumpkin seeds. Also known as 'pepita' or 'pepita de calabaz' (little seeds of squash) in Spanish, pumpkin seeds are creamy; they are an ideal on-the-go snack. These crispy and bite-sized seeds of the pumpkin fruit are available year-round and packed with nutrients that can greatly benefit men's health!

Here's How Pumpkin Seeds Can Benefit Men's Health:

Boosts Prostate Health

Besides having a pleasant flavour, they are known to have many health benefiting properties as well. According to the study published in Indian Journal of Urology, pumpkin seed ingestion can influence prostate health positively, which is very important for male sexual health. It is commonly used to strengthen the prostate gland and promote healthy hormone function in men. Consuming pumpkin seeds may help with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It is a condition that causes problems with urination due to an enlarged prostate gland. Various studies have shown that consuming pumpkin seeds regularly may help reduce the symptoms related to BPH.

Improves Male Fertility

Men can benefit from the zinc found in pumpkin seeds. Reduced sperm quality and even infertility in men may be associated with low zinc levels. Including these seeds in daily diet may help improve overall sperm quality. According to the book 'Healing Foods' by DK Publishing, pumpkin seeds are useful for promoting men's fertility and preventing prostrate problems. The antioxidant content may also play a role in healthy testosterone levels.

Boosts Plant-Based Protein

Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscle. There are around 23.33 grams of protein in a 100-gram serving of pumpkin seeds as per the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrition chart. Add pumpkin seeds to any meal or snack for an easy protein boost.

Other Benefits

Pumpkin seeds are also rich in natural oil. But could eating too many seeds make you fat? The answer is a firm no. "Because of the high oil content of nuts and seeds, one would suspect that frequent consumption of nuts and seeds would increase the rate of obesity. But a study of 26,000 Americans found that people who consumed most nuts and seeds were less obese," notes the book 'The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods' by Michael T. Murray and Joseph Pizzorno.

Since pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, they encourage the renewal of cells, repair damage and promote healthy hair.

These seeds are also one of the top sources of phosphorus, which pumps up your metabolism and is important for energy.

Pumpkin seeds are also rich in magnesium, which is crucial to a wide range of important physiological functions, like pumping of the heart, relaxation of blood vessels and seamless bowel function.

Pumpkin seeds have anti-inflammatory properties.

Pumpkin seeds promote sleep and lower depression as they are rich in tryptophan

It is important for men of all ages to become more proactive about their health. An easy way to start is to include pumpkin seeds in your diet daily to help your body thrive and feel your best. However, it is advised to consult a nutritionist before adding pumpkin seeds to diet.

As the New Year begins, the one fruit which is available in abundance are grapes. The black/purple and the green variety, seeded and seedless, are all over the place. Given the weather slowly changing from winter, they seem like the best thing to beat the summer heat. And yes, they are. Not just for overall health, they are also great for the skin and hair. Read on to know more.

Benefits of grapes for skin:

When the sunscreen lotion does not help much and sunburn happens, the one of the best home remedies is to apply mashed grapes for about 30 minutes. The grapes are rich in antioxidants (proanthocyanidins and resveratrol). They reduce the damage caused by ultraviolet radiation and also reduces cell damage caused by excessive skin exposure.

Rubbing the grape pulp on the face for about 20 minutes can help reverse and control antiaging better than any chemical treatment. It reduces the effect of free radicals which lead to fine wrinkles and dark spots.

Grapes are also rich in vitamins C and E which helps in making the skin supple and improves skin tone and reduces scars.
Benefits for hair:

If hair loss scares you, apply a paste of seeded grapes. The linoleic acid and grape seed oil can add strength and prevent hair fall.

Grapes can also be mixed with fenugreek and chickpeas for use on hair to improve life and lustre of the hair and add volume.

The vitamin E and antioxidants also help improve scalp blood circulation, fight dandruff, reduce itchiness, and improved hair health.
Benefits on overall health:

Relieves headache: The various antioxidants in the grapes help in relieving the headache almost instantaneously. Eat them up or drink if you have a headache, even migraines.

Improves digestion: They improve digestion and reduce digestive problems, thereby curing indigestion. They also are shown to help in controlling colon cancer.

Good in diabetes: Diabetic patients need not be worried about the sweet grapes. The pterostilbene in them helps lower sugar levels, and in the long run, it can also prevent the onset of diabetes.

Cholesterol control: The polyphenols help in controlling heart disease by reducing plaque formation.

Eye health: The reduced oxidation process and controlled inflammatory process helps in improving eye health, especially in the retina, which is full of proteins.

Potassium in Plenty: 100 g of grapes contains about 200 mg of potassium, which is a treasure. It improves blood pressure (by countering sodium), and also controls cholesterol and reduces salt intake.

Brain health: The antioxidants like revasterol help in improving blood flow and helps in controlling Alzheimer’s and improving memory.

The mere thought of biting into a chilled watermelon or sipping chilled watermelon juice during summer is a refreshing thought. What many do not readily realise is that not just they are not just a refresher, but they are also loaded with multiple health benefits. Another surprising fact is that they have been in use since 5000 years ago and are referred to in ancient literature. There are about 300 varieties and are easily available during summer.

Many may think that watermelon is loaded with water. However, there are also multiple compounds including vitamins and minerals; vitamins C, A, B1, B5, and B6; minerals like potassium and magnesium, and compounds like carotenoids and lycopene. These have multiple benefits on the health and so watermelon can be consumed without any second thought in abundance.

Read on to know some of the wonders of this melon.

Hydration: One of the best remedies to avoid the ill effects of summer is to improve hydration levels, and there could be no better way to do this than with watermelon (eat it or drink it!) It is 92% water, and therefore leaves you refreshed and rejuvenated.

Heart health: Lycopene helps reduce cholesterol, reduce thickening of artery walls, and reduces oxidative stress. The various minerals and vitamins also add to the heart health qualities of watermelon. The citrulline in it also increases nitric oxide level in the body, which expands or dilates blood vessels and improves blood pressure.

Anti-inflammatory benefits: The lycopene and Vitamin C reduce the levels of C-reactive protein which are responsible for inflammation. The antioxidant levels also lower inflammation, thereby reducing the onset of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Eye health: Watermelons, through their anti-inflammatory effects, reduce the onset of age-related macular degeneration. Those who already have it can also see the delayed progression of the condition, thereby prolonging vision loss.

Muscle soreness: Those who have muscle soreness should reach out for a slice of watermelon to get instant relief from this soreness. Watermelon also improves exercise endurance and performance, and the added benefit on the heart also improves exercise tolerance.

Skin and hair benefits: These benefits come from multiple sources in the melon. The vitamin A helps improve skin regeneration, vitamin C helps collagen formation and improved skin tone. Lycopene and beta-carotene help control the damage caused by sun exposure and pigmentation.

Digestive benefits: The very nature of watermelon almost completely water and high fibre directly benefits the stomach. It cleanses the stomach and promotes bowel movement. Not just the red portion, even the rind and seeds are beneficial as there is a lot of citrulline and chlorophyll which are also healthy.

Jamun is one of the most beneficial fruit for human health. It is also known by the name of black plum and is a summer fruit which is popular in every household. It belongs to the Myrtaceae family. The ancient system of medicine, Ayurveda, celebrates the fruit of Jamun for the several benefits it offers, and a few are mentioned below:

Beneficial for diabetic patients: Ayurveda recommends the diabetic patients to consume jamun. Research has proven that jamun has a lot of potential to e used in making drugs that would be a safer option. Another research has shown that a 30% decrease can be seen in the levels of blood sugar when jamun is consumed daily. Secondary complications that are known to occur because of diabetes are also reduced with the consumption of jamun. Excess thirst and frequent urination are also kept under control with jamun. Madhumehantak Churna is consumed by many diabetic patients which is an Ayurvedic product of jamun.
Good for immune system and improving bone strength: Some healthy nutrients like iron, calcium, potassium, and Vitamin C are present in high amounts in jamun. Because of the presence of these nutrients, it enhances the functioning of the immune system and strengthens your bones. Jamun is widely used in Ayurveda to relieve stress.

Keeps you safe from heart diseases: Anthocyanidins, elegiac acid and anthocyanins are the compounds that are present in jamun. These compounds are well-known for their anti-inflammatory effect. Apart from that, they are also very good anti-oxidants. Thus, jamun helps in preventing cholesterol oxidation and formation of plaque that can increase your heart risks. Besides the benefits that are already mentioned, jamun is a rich source of potassium. We all know that potassium prevents hypertension and hypertension is a significant risk factor for those who are prone to heart diseases. It is said that in each 100g serving of jamun, the amount of potassium present is 55g.

Useful in treating infections: The jamun fruit is not the only thing that is utilitarian. The other parts of the plant, that is, its seed, barks, and leaves, have their own health benefits too. One of those health benefits is treating infections. All these parts have the capability of treating infections. Compounds like malic acid, tannins, oxalic acid and gallic acid are present in jamun. These compounds are responsible for the antibacterial, gastroprotective and antimalarial properties of the plant.

Aids in digestion and improves oral health: Since the ancient times, the jamun leaves have been used in Ayurveda and are known to be atisara that are known to prevent diarrhea. It is very useful against Krimi, that is, worm infestation. They are considered to be very helpful in treating gastric disorders like dysentery, diarrhea, indigestion and dyspepsia. They are also helpful for the gums and keep the teeth in good condition because of their anti-bacterial properties. Thus, jamun is a useful pachani.

Other uses: Ayurvedic medicine using Jamun as an ingredient helps in combating menstrual disorders. Also, Ayurveda uses this fruit in many of its medicines to increase haemoglobin content. Also, Ayurveda suggests using the dried powder on the facial skin to increase the fairness and improve the skin texture.

With loads of health benefits, Jamun is considered to be one of the effective ingredients in many of the Ayurvedic medicines. Hence, consider consuming Jamuns every day to improve your health.

Dr. Khushbu Kolte
Dr. Khushbu Kolte
BDS, Dentist Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentist, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vijay Mane
Dr. Vijay Mane
BHMS, Homeopath Family Physician, 22 yrs, Pune
Dr. Deodutta Kamble
Dr. Deodutta Kamble
BDS, Dental Surgeon Dentist, 22 yrs, Pune
Dr. Arati Bayas-Pawar
Dr. Arati Bayas-Pawar
BPTh, Physiotherapist Homecare Physiotherapist, 12 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sushma Todkar
Dr. Sushma Todkar
BDS, Dentist Root canal Specialist, 20 yrs, Pune