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During a time of sadness or when you are feeling the blue all you want is to magically transform your mood to a happy one. There are ways and tricks to do that..

- Take a walk: Often people undermine the importance of a walk. When you are feeling gloomy, all you need to do is walk around to clear your head and take in the world around you. It will give you a moment of peace.

- Call an old friend: When you are busy in your everyday life, it is quite possible that you lose out on maintaining friendships. So, when you are feeling sad, call an old friend and chat. This will remind you of happy and carefree days.

- Show creativity: One of the most common ways to bring yourself out of the blue is to indulge in your creative side. Everyone has his or her own creative escape, some like to write, some like to paint or sing. So, pick yours and do it.

- Walk down the memory lane: Even when everything seems impossible to achieve you still have your memories. So, go through your old photos and video to cheer yourself up instantly.

- Visualize your own self: When you are upset, it is natural that you think of yourself in the worst way possible. So, instead of doing that, simply imagine yourself in the best way possible and then figure out a way to achieve that.

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy!

Dr. Reshma P. Ransing
Dr. Reshma P. Ransing
BHMS, Family Physician, Pune
Dr. Nitin B. Bhise
Dr. Nitin B. Bhise
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda, 21 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sachin Hundekari
Dr. Sachin Hundekari
MBBS, Cardiologist, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sagar Salunke
Dr. Sagar Salunke
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Panchakarma, 2 yrs, Pune
Dr. Cliford John
Dr. Cliford John
BDS, Dental Surgeon Root canal Specialist, 6 yrs, Pune