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Scientists have designed a convenient and natural product that uses proteins to rebuild tooth enamel and treat dental cavities.

"Remineralisation guided by peptides is a healthy alternative to current dental health care," said Mehmet Sarikaya from the University of Washington in the US.

The new biogenic dental products can ? in theory ? rebuild teeth and cure cavities without today's costly and uncomfortable treatments, according to a study published in the journal ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering.

"Peptide-enabled formulations will be simple and would be implemented in over-the-counter or clinical products," Sarikaya said.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), dental cavities affect nearly every age group and they are accompanied by serious health concerns.

Additionally, direct and indirect costs of treating dental cavities and related diseases have been a huge economic burden for individuals and health care systems.

"Bacteria metabolise sugar and other fermentable carbohydrates in oral environments and acid, as a by-product, will demineralise the dental enamel," said Sami Dogan from the University of Washington.

Although tooth decay is relatively harmless in its earliest stages, once the cavity progresses through the tooth's enamel, serious health concerns arise. If left untreated, tooth decay can lead to tooth loss.

This can present adverse consequences on the remaining teeth and supporting tissues and on the patient's general health, including life-threatening conditions.

Taking inspiration from the body's own natural tooth-forming proteins, the researchers have come up with a way to repair the tooth enamel.

The researchers accomplished this by capturing the essence of amelogenin - a protein crucial to forming the hard crown enamel - to design amelogenin-derived peptides that biomineralise and are the key active ingredient in the new technology.

The bioinspired repair process restores the mineral structure found in native tooth enamel.

"These peptides are proven to bind onto tooth surfaces and recruit calcium and phosphate ions," the researchers said.

Nobody likes to put on their favourite dresses and see their belly sticking out. We have all been there, tried to hold our breaths in, but we all know too well that it is no sustainable strategy to beat bloating, besides it can also toll on your health and make you dizzy. Bloating is a condition characterised by inflated tummy, especially after a meal. It could be caused due to a variety of reasons. For instance, excess gas formation in the stomach, poor eating habits, change in diet, stress or smoking. In some cases, conditions like menstruation, gastrointestinal infection or irritable bowel syndrome could also be the reason behind your bloated tummy. But, the good news is that bloating is only temporary and subsides in a matter of time. There are many ways you can manage bloating, that too with very easy and inexpensive remedies. Drinking ginger juice is said to be one of the oldest remedies to help beat the bloat. Ginger is a perennial herb native to China and India, known as Zingiber officinal. Often referred to as a root, ginger is actually a stem, which grows underground. Ayurveda's favourite ginger is profuse with medicinal properties that could help cure a variety of inflammatory conditions like cold, cough and flu. According to the book 'Healing Foods' by DK Publishing, its active constituent "Gingerol has analgesic, sedative, antipyretic and antibacterial effects, another component zingerone is an antioxidant," which works as a charm for ginger. But, what is it that makes it so effective for bloating? Let's find out.

According Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa Arora, "ginger stimulates digestive juices like bile, saliva and various other compounds that aid digestion, thus it's great for better absorption and assimilation of nutrients . Indigestion is one of the root causes of bloating. Undigested food produces toxins that lead to serious health problems. A teaspoon of ginger juice in the morning helps bloating and heals digestive tract, plus manages high blood sugar levels. "

How To Make Ginger Juice:
Take a ginger. Rinse it well.
Take a peeler or a spoon and peel of the skin of the ginger.
Cut the ginger into pieces and grate them using a grater.
Collect the grated ginger in the centre of a cheesecloth and hold it together from above.
Place a bowl beneath the cloth. Squeeze and twist the cheesecloth to get the ginger juice out.
Collect the ginger juice. Squeeze or twist it harder to extract more juice.
Your ginger juice is ready. You can have it alone or mix it with some salt/rock salt to enhance its flavour and nutritive content.
Once all the juice is extracted, open the cheesecloth to remove the dried grated ginger.
You can use the dried grated ginger for other cooking purposes. If you are facing problem grating the ginger, you can put it in blender and grind them too.
Once done, open the juicer, collect the ginger in a cheesecloth, and squeeze and twist to collect juice as mentioned before.

Besides bloating, ginger juice is also effective against toothache, reducing joint inflammations and pain and soothe cold and flu.

We've practically all had that stabbing headache from a long day's work or a piercing muscle cramp when we've got carried away with those weights in the gym. Sharp or dull - we've been in pain and more often than once. While it might ease off or decide to cling to you, you usually have two choices - pop pills or bear with it. What if you could relieve the agony without a prescription? That's the good news; you just might be able to.

Pain is more than just a reaction to a physical symptom - it is a perception. It relates to how you assess the physical sensation. While the Romans and Greeks theorized this idea of pain, by the 19th century, various studies found their place in scientific literature. It was then established that pain is a feeling triggered by the nervous system.

How do painkillers work? "Certain chemicals called prostaglandins released at the site of the pain sensation. These irritate the nerve endings which carry signals to the brain. The brain interprets these signals and that's how we feel pain. Painkillers obstruct these chemicals," says Dr. OP Garg, Rheumatologist and Head, Rheumatology at BL Kapur Hospital, New Delhi.

He adds, "An overdose of painkillers may damage the protective lining in the stomach. The most common side-effects of painkillers are gastric and peptic ulcers. It may also lead to internal bleeding and kidney and heart problems."

Drugs came much later, but the earliest cure for pain was found in nature. And once again, we seem to be making a journey back to these traditional remedies.
The one thing that I must set straight is that while natural remedies have an obvious appeal, they may not cure chronic conditions. But they can definitely reduce your dependency on drugs and can help you avoid them whenever you can. You'll have to agree, it does take more than a prescription pad to really bring relief.

Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, Clinical Operations and Coordination Manager at Baidyanath, suggests some ancient herbs and spices that can tame the pain.

1. Neem & Clove Oil for Tooth Ache

It benefits in dental and oral care by inhibiting bacteria that cause tooth decay. Neem can also fight infectious mutans and dental caries. Clove and clove oil is known to have both analgesic and antibacterial properties, and like neem, it can be help in curbing a toothache caused by bacteria. Neem leaves can be chewed while clove oil should be applied. You can also gargle with neem oil for better results.

2. Fennel for Stomach Cramps

Fennel (saunf) exhibits antibacterial and antiviral activities. It acts as a carminative - an herb or preparation which is known to prevent the formation of gas. It is also has stomachic reducing properties which means that it helps in toning the stomach and improves digestive functions. Applying fennel oil has been reported to relieve menstrual cramps. It is an excellent source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous and zinc. It is also hepato-protective, has the ability to prevent damage to the liver. It can be powdered and mixed with soda bicarbonate, water and a pinch of black salt. This creates a synergistic effect.

3.Coriander and Tulsi for Joint & Muscle Pain

Coriander (dhaniya) has been known as an analgesic, carminative, digestive, depurative (detoxifying), anti-rheumatic (joint pains) and antispasmodic (muscle spasms) agent. It can be used externally to treat ulcers and rheumatism (joint related ailments). Tulsi also works in relieving joint pain and pain related to arthritis.

4.Ginger for Inflammation and Headache

Ginger is a popular anti-nausea and carminative ingredient. It has been used by people to cure motion sickness. It fights bacterial, fungal and viral infections. Ginger oil acts an anti-inflammatory for arthritis and headaches. In simple terms, inflammation refers to swelling. It can be rubbed on the effected area. Its diaphoretic effect is known to keep your body warm.

5.Heeng (Asafoetida) for Indigestion

It reduces the growth of indigenous micro flora in the gut and also helps in relieving flatulence. It is an antispasmodic which means that it relieves the spasm by counteracting the effects of a hormone produced by the nerves called neurohormone acetylcholine. By doing so, the secretion of stomach acids and digestive enzymes is reduced and regulated. Take a pinch of heeng, mix it in a spoonful of lukewarm water and rub it on your stomach. (Bananas, Pain Killers Do the Trick for World's Oldest Man)

6.Green Cardamom

Cardamom is known to enhance the effectiveness of carminative (that combat flatulence) drugs. It is officially recognized in British and US pharmacopoeias and is used as an aromatic stimulant, carminative and flavoring agent. Chewing cardamom helps in regulating digestive functions.

Dr. Shivam Jain # ENT Specialist Family Physician
HelloDox Care

Cloves can offer many health benefits due to their antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

>> Here are some benefits of clove :

- It treats Acne: Clove oil has anti-microbial properties. Due to this reason, it is very beneficial against #acne and stops it from spreading on your skin. It has great purifying properties and can help reduce the inflammatory pain caused by #pimples.

- It builds Immune System: Due to antioxidant properties, Clove helps boost the #immunity system and protects against #infections and flus.

- For Diabetes: It helps to keep #diabetes in check by controlling the blood sugar levels as it can imitate #insulin.

- To reduce headache: It is well known for its pain killing properties.

- For Sinusitis: Cloves to be a benefactor against the inflammation of the nasal passage. #Sinusitis can in time be overcome by clove. You can inhale grounded clove into your nose. Adding 3 to 4 teaspoon of clove oil in warm water and drinking it every day can help in preventing the infection and help you breathe.

- For toothache: Clove provides relief from toothaches. They can temporarily numb the pain. Take a little clove oil on a cotton ball and dab it on the aching tooth to get some relief.

- Improves digestion: Clove help relax the lining of the GI tract and thus protect us against #diarrhea, #nausea, intestinal #gas and #vomit. They can be taken with honey for relief.

- Morning Sickness: Clove has #antiseptic and #anesthetic properties that can help in proper #digestion and protect you against nausea and #vomiting. It proves to be very advantageous for #pregnant women.

Dr. HelloDox Care #
HelloDox Care

दातदुखी लक्षण कारणे आणि उपाय
* साधारणपणे दात किडल्याने दातदुखी उद्भवते. दात किडल्यावर ती कीड पार दाताच्या हृदयापर्यंत (डेंटल पल्प) पोहचते. त्यामुळे होणाऱ्या वेदना डोक्यापर्यंत जातात.
* हिरड्यांचे रोग झाले असल्यास दात दुखतात.
* अपघातात जबड्याला दुखापत झाल्यास अनेकदा दातदुखी होते.
* एड्समध्ये काही लक्षणं ही दातांच्या रोगांशी निगडीत असतात.

दातदुखी झाल्यावर काय?
* दात दुखायला लागले, की अनेक जण पेन किलर घेतात. पेन किलर घेतल्यानंतर दातदुखी तात्पुरती थांबते. पण, संपूर्ण आराम मिळत नाही. त्यामुळे डेंटिस्टकडे जाणं हा उत्तम उपाय आहे.
* दातांच्या हृदयापर्यंत कीड गेली असेल (पल्प डीसिज) आणि त्यामुळे दात दुखत असतील, तर रूट कॅनाल ट्रीटमेंट करावी लागते. ही ट्रीटमेंट केल्यानंतर पाच मिनिटांच्या आत दातदुखी थांबते.
* काही हिरड्यांचे रोग हे फक्त दात साफ करून किंवा अगदी लहान ऑपरेशन करूनही बरे होतात.

डेंटिस्ट केव्हा?
* साधारणपणे दाताच्या मुळापर्यंत दुखणं गेलं, की लोक डेंटिस्टकडे धाव घेतात.
* अनेकदा दात दुखत नसतील, तरी इतर आजारांसाठी लोक डेंटिस्टकडे धाव घेतात. यात अनेकदा जबड्याचे स्नायू दुखणे, डोळे किंवा कान दुखणं, अर्धशीशी यांचा समावेश असतो. या दुखण्याला 'ओरोफेशियल पेन' असं म्हणतात.
* 'ओरोफेशियल पेन'शी लढण्यासाठी आता डेंटिस्ट 'मॅनेजमेंट ऑफ ओरोफेशियल पेन' हे नवीन तंत्रज्ञान वापरतात.

सॉफ्ट टागेर्ट्स
* गरोदर बायकांना हिरड्यांचे रोग होण्याची शक्यता जास्त असते.
* डायबीटिस झालेल्यांनीही दातांची काळजी घ्यावी.
* हृदयाचे विकार असणाऱ्यांना दातदुखी किंवा दातांचे आजार संभवतात.
* लहान मुलांना दातांचे आजार होण्याची शक्यता जास्त असते. त्यांची काळजी घेणं आवश्यक आहे.
* दात चावण्याची सवय असलेल्या लोकांना दातांचे आजार आणि दातदुखी होण्याची शक्यता जास्त असते.
* तोंडाचे आजार झालेल्यांना दातांचे आजार पटकन होऊ शकतात.

दुर्लक्ष का?
* ९० टक्के लोकांना कीड दाताच्या गाभ्यापर्यंत पोहचली, तरी त्यांचे दात दुखत नाही. त्यामुळे दातांच्या आरोग्याकडे अनेक लोकांचं दुर्लक्ष होतं.
* दातांच्या आजारामुळे मृत्यू होत नसल्याने दातांचं दुखणं गंभीरपणे घेतलं जात नाही.
* देशातील ६० टक्के लोक गरीब किंवा अशिक्षित आहेत. दैनंदिन गरजा भागवण्यात त्यांचा बराचसा वेळ जातो. त्यामुळे आरोग्याकडे दुर्लक्ष होतं.
* बऱ्याचदा सुशिक्षित लोक इतर गोष्टींप्रमाणे दातांच्या आरोग्याला प्राधान्य देत नाहीत. त्यामुळे दातांच्या दुखण्याकडे त्यांचं दुर्लक्ष होतं.

दातदुखी टाळण्यासाठी काय?
* मागील भागात सांगितल्याप्रमाणे रोजच्या रोज दातांची स्वच्छता ठेवायलाच हवी.
* दर सहा महिन्यांनी एकदा डेंटिस्टकडे जाऊन दातांची तपासणी करावी. यामुळे अगदी प्राथमिक अवस्थेत असलेले दातांचे आजार कळून येतात. यामुळे अशा दातांच्या आजारांवर वेळेत उपचार करणंही शक्य होतं.
* आपल्या जीवनपद्धतीत आवश्यक ते बदल केल्यास दातांचे अनेक आजार आणि दातदुखी टळू शकते.
* सर्वात महत्त्वाचं म्हणजे 'उपचारापेक्षा खबरदारी चांगली' ही गोष्ट लक्षात ठेवायला हवी. दातांच्या आरोग्यावर आपलं सर्वांगीण आरोग्य अवलंबून असतं. त्यामुळे आपल्या मौल्यवान दातांची काळजी घेणं, हे खूप महत्त्वाचं आणि आवश्यक असतं.

Dr. Chhaya Helambe
Dr. Chhaya Helambe
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 20 yrs, Pune
Dr. Yogesh  Lohade
Dr. Yogesh Lohade
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Panchakarma, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Manish Rawool
Dr. Manish Rawool
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Family Physician, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Rakhee Tanaji
Dr. Rakhee Tanaji
BHMS, Dermatologist Homeopath, 13 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sandeep Mengade
Dr. Sandeep Mengade
BAMS, Family Physician General Physician, 17 yrs, Pune