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Early 30s can bring about many unanticipated changes, in both men and women. Your features might harden, you might find yourself at the receiving end of comments like, "you don't smile as much anymore" or you might feel very disheartened and often, shot down.

30s are supposed to be that time of your life when you're in complete control over your relationships, you're on track when it comes to work, have a sizable bank balance and are attune to a truly happy and enjoyable life. But then life plays a cruel joke and throws a real beauty bouncer. In simpler words, 30 is often the age when you start to see your skin, body and looks change. And in some cases this change is not for the better, unless you start being extra cautious.

Skin Troubles in your 30s:

Those first deep wrinkles begin to emerge, turning faint lines around the eyes into full blown crow's feet (also known as laugh lines or character lines). In some unfortunate cases, acne decide to make a comeback after teen years or it may also appear for the very first time. This phenomenon is called 'adult acne' and is usually hormonal in women. Damage from earlier sunburns and beach holidays begin to appear as blotchy pigmentation and you suddenly seem to have dull and saggy skin. A plush ponytail of just the earlier decade thins down and your mirror throws back a picture with a few but prominent aging features which can be very discouraging.

Hormones are one of the biggest contributors to these problems, especially in women. The majority of hormonal changes start around the age of 30. When female reproductive hormones levels begin to taper off and lead to thinning hair and undesirable skin conditions. The level of human growth hormones begins to drop which leads to increased breaking of collagen production, giving way to dull and droopy skin. At 18, growth hormone levels are around 900 but by the time you're 30, they drop to 200. Men don't go through to skin problems but fall victim to male pattern baldness due to changes in testosterone and DHT.

Beauty8 Expert Skin Care Tips For People In Their 30's
8 Expert Skin Care tips for People in Their 30'sDr. Deepali Bhardwaj, Skin Care Expert | Updated: September 19, 2017 18:41 ISTTweeterfacebookReddit
8 Expert Skin Care tips for People in Their 30's
Early 30s can bring about many unanticipated changes, in both men and women. Your features might harden, you might find yourself at the receiving end of comments like, "you don't smile as much anymore" or you might feel very disheartened and often, shot down.

30s are supposed to be that time of your life when you're in complete control over your relationships, you're on track when it comes to work, have a sizable bank balance and are attune to a truly happy and enjoyable life. But then life plays a cruel joke and throws a real beauty bouncer. In simpler words, 30 is often the age when you start to see your skin, body and looks change. And in some cases this change is not for the better, unless you start being extra cautious.

Skin Troubles in your 30s:

Those first deep wrinkles begin to emerge, turning faint lines around the eyes into full blown crow's feet (also known as laugh lines or character lines). In some unfortunate cases, acne decide to make a comeback after teen years or it may also appear for the very first time. This phenomenon is called 'adult acne' and is usually hormonal in women. Damage from earlier sunburns and beach holidays begin to appear as blotchy pigmentation and you suddenly seem to have dull and saggy skin. A plush ponytail of just the earlier decade thins down and your mirror throws back a picture with a few but prominent aging features which can be very discouraging.

Hormones are one of the biggest contributors to these problems, especially in women. The majority of hormonal changes start around the age of 30. When female reproductive hormones levels begin to taper off and lead to thinning hair and undesirable skin conditions. The level of human growth hormones begins to drop which leads to increased breaking of collagen production, giving way to dull and droopy skin. At 18, growth hormone levels are around 900 but by the time you're 30, they drop to 200. Men don't go through to skin problems but fall victim to male pattern baldness due to changes in testosterone and DHT.

Everyone is going to see some kind of changes in their 30s due to hormonal imbalance, but those who indulge in tanning, drinking, smoking, don't exercise regularly and eat poorly, the problems are going to be much worse.

How to look fabulous in your 30s:

To stay gorgeous through your 30s and after, follow these 8 simple steps:

1. Cleansing - Cleanse your skin each morning and make sure to remove all makeup and cleanse again before bedtime. This allows the skin to perform its essential protective and renewal functions well. Always use products suggested by your dermatologist as there are many products available in the market and picking the right can be confusing.

2. Exfoliate - Exfoliate at night rather than in the day. Overnight skin is in renewal mode and removing dead skin skin prior to bedtime enhances the skin's function. Exfoliate gently, just to remove dead skin and if your skin is oily or you've got acne then exfoliating twice a week should be sufficient.

3. Protect - Protect your skin during the day by combining an antioxidant serum or vitamin C serum with sun screen as they enhance each other. Be sure to apply the sunscreen first.

4. Stay hydrated - Make sure that the skin is not dehydrated. Don't spend more than 5 minutes in the shower and use lukewarm water. Use a moisturizing body wash as acts as a protective moisture barrier for the skin.

Here's a golden nugget of advice for working professionals: Add 4-5 drops of essential body oils or if nothing then almond oil/vitamin e oil/sesame oil in 2 mugs of water and splash it on the body to form a moisturizing coat.

5. Sunscreen - Wear a sunscreen with broad spectrum UVA/UVB sun protection every single day of the year, including raining days and on overcast winter days. UVA rays are "slow agers" which remain constant throughout the year.

6. Moisturize - Rub in rich intense moisturizing body lotion or apricot oil daily after bathing on slightly damp body for a healthy, hydrated skin.

7. Drink water - Drink plenty of water to also stay hydrated internally. Add lemon or lime juice for an extra boost. Eat a healthy and high-fiber diet and workout for atleast 15-20 daily.

8. Stay stress free - Of course that's easier said than done but indulging in a hobby of ones choice works wonders for the skin.

Ageing is an inevitable; it involves the changes in a person with physical, psychological, mental and social change. Wrinkled skin, greying hair and macular degeneration are a few symptoms of ageing. While one cannot avoid these changes, but can definitely delay them through medications, natural kitchen ingredients or Ayurvedic herbs. Ayurveda is known to be the art of daily living in harmony and laws of nature. It is an ancient natural wisdom of health and healing. Ayurvedic treatment for an ailment is focused on three doshas of a person - vata dosha, kapha dosha and pitta dosha. It believes in maintaining a perfect balance among these three aspects, which is the secret to staying youthful and healthy.The process of degenerating cells as you grow old is known as ageing. Ayurveda suggests herbs that can help reduce the symptoms of ageing by regenerating body cells. Most of the herbs have various antioxidants that inhibit the growth of cell damaging free radicals in the body. According to Ayurveda expert from NirogStreet, Ram N Kumar, "Rasayana (rejuvenation) branch of Ayurveda specifically deals with ageing and its effects. As ageing is a degenerative and palliative phase and process, Rasayana checks its pace and impact substantially, resulting in slow down. Rasayana treatment is advised to people who are 35 years old and more."

Here are some of the herbs suggested by Ram N Kumar that you can include in your diet in order to delay ageing.

1. Guduchi

Guduchi, or Giloy, is known to revive our skin tissues and resolve inflamed skin conditions by its anti-inflammatory properties. Guduchi is responsible for promoting mental clarity and enhance our immune system.

2. Guggulu

Guggulu is a powerful and potent herb that is derived from the flowering tree Mukul Myrrh. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in combating various diseases and inhibit the growth of free radicals in the body.

3. Brahmi

Brahmi, or Bacopa, is a memory enhancer, especially useful for those who may be suffering from age-related memory loss. It is believed to have refreshing effects on your brain.

4. Amalaki

Amalaki, or Amla, is an excellent source of Vitamin-C and antioxidants that help your body fight various diseases. Also, it helps you keep safe from age-related macular degeneration and Cataract.

5. Turmeric

The compound curcumin in Turmeric has shown to possess a powerful anti-ageing effect. It has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that help keep diseases at bay.

6. Ginseng

Ginseng contains a lot of phytochemicals that help stimulate and activate skin's metabolism. These phytochemicals also help you get rid of free radicals that get accumulated when your skin is exposed to pollution and sunlight.

7. Gotu-kola

Gotu kola is rich in flavonoids with antioxidant activity that helps protect the skin and body making it an extremely essential anti-ageing herb.

8. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha helps in rapid cell regeneration and rejuvenation that in turn helps in delaying signs of ageing, especially pertaining to the skin.

Make sure you use these herbs under supervision of an Ayurvedic expert. Grow older, don't age!

Ageing is an inevitable; it involves the changes in a person with physical, psychological, mental and social change. Wrinkled skin, greying hair and macular degeneration are a few symptoms of ageing. While one cannot avoid these changes, but can definitely delay them through medications, natural kitchen ingredients or Ayurvedic herbs. Ayurveda is known to be the art of daily living in harmony and laws of nature. It is an ancient natural wisdom of health and healing. Ayurvedic treatment for an ailment is focused on three doshas of a person - vata dosha, kapha dosha and pitta dosha. It believes in maintaining a perfect balance among these three aspects, which is the secret to staying youthful and healthy.The process of degenerating cells as you grow old is known as ageing. Ayurveda suggests herbs that can help reduce the symptoms of ageing by regenerating body cells. Most of the herbs have various antioxidants that inhibit the growth of cell damaging free radicals in the body. According to Ayurveda expert from NirogStreet, Ram N Kumar, "Rasayana (rejuvenation) branch of Ayurveda specifically deals with ageing and its effects. As ageing is a degenerative and palliative phase and process, Rasayana checks its pace and impact substantially, resulting in slow down. Rasayana treatment is advised to people who are 35 years old and more."

Here are some of the herbs suggested by Ram N Kumar that you can include in your diet in order to delay ageing.

1. Guduchi

Guduchi, or Giloy, is known to revive our skin tissues and resolve inflamed skin conditions by its anti-inflammatory properties. Guduchi is responsible for promoting mental clarity and enhance our immune system.

2. Guggulu

Guggulu is a powerful and potent herb that is derived from the flowering tree Mukul Myrrh. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in combating various diseases and inhibit the growth of free radicals in the body.

3. Brahmi

Brahmi, or Bacopa, is a memory enhancer, especially useful for those who may be suffering from age-related memory loss. It is believed to have refreshing effects on your brain.

4. Amalaki

Amalaki, or Amla, is an excellent source of Vitamin-C and antioxidants that help your body fight various diseases. Also, it helps you keep safe from age-related macular degeneration and Cataract.

5. Turmeric

The compound curcumin in Turmeric has shown to possess a powerful anti-ageing effect. It has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that help keep diseases at bay.

6. Ginseng

Ginseng contains a lot of phytochemicals that help stimulate and activate skin's metabolism. These phytochemicals also help you get rid of free radicals that get accumulated when your skin is exposed to pollution and sunlight.

7. Gotu-kola

Gotu kola is rich in flavonoids with antioxidant activity that helps protect the skin and body making it an extremely essential anti-ageing herb.

8. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha helps in rapid cell regeneration and rejuvenation that in turn helps in delaying signs of ageing, especially pertaining to the skin.

Make sure you use these herbs under supervision of an Ayurvedic expert. Grow older, don't age!

Some women look atleast a decade younger than the age mentioned on their passports. For most of these women this is the result of anti-aging creams and serums. There are dozens of anti-aging products available today. The tough part is finding the right product for you.

Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:

1. Start with the Basics: Dehydrated skin and sun exposure are the primary triggers for wrinkles, sun spots and fine lines. To prevent this, start by picking a good sunscreen. When picking your sunscreen look for one that offers an SPF of 30 or more, water resistance and protection against both UVA and UVB rays. If you have sensitive skin, avoid sunscreens with fragrances, harsh chemicals, alcohol and preservatives.

2. Understand your Primary Concern: No one product can address all signs of aging. At the same time, using multiple products can do more harm than good. Infact, it can make you look older. Hence, it is important to take an honest look at the mirror and identify your main concerns. Pick a single anti-aging product that addresses this issue.

3. Pick a Retinoid Based Cream: Retinoids are the best way to fight signs of aging like fine lines, larger pores and dark spots. Choose between a retinol cream and serum depending on your skin. While creams are betters suited for dry skin, a serum works well to treat clogged pores and acne. Eliminate products that have artificial preserves or paraben.

4. Read the Label: Take a close look at the label and pick a product that contains anti-oxidants or is hypoallergenic. Also look for vitamins and polypeptides. This can nourish your skin and keep it elastic for longer. Pick products that have the words 'non-comedogenic' on the label. Lastly, look for the consumer hotline number on the product.

5. Patch Test: It is impossible to know how a product will react with your skin before using it. Anti-aging products are intended for use on the face but before using it on your face, you must first do a patch test. A patch test involves applying the product on a small patch of skin on the forearm and leaving it for 24 hours. If you do not notice any adverse reaction, only then use it on your face.

6. Ask the Dermatologist: Self diagnosis is often not the best step to take. When it comes to skincare, it is always a good idea to consult a dermatologist before using a new product. Find a professional you trust and share your concerns with them so that they can advise you on the product that is most suited to you.

The process of ageing differs from person to person. Some tend to age faster than their biological age in comparison to others who look refreshingly younger always. This ageing process often is dependent on your lifestyle, dietary habits and environment and all the other habits that you maintain every day.

Let's have a look at some of your habits that may be responsible for making you look older:

1. Bad sleeping habits: Your body needs to reinvigorate itself every day and for this to happen, you need to make sleep a priority. While everyone's sleep requirements are different, seven to eight hours of fitful sleep is required daily.

2. Having a sweet tooth: Anything in excess is never good, especially when you're not exactly sweet sixteen always. A diet with an overt emphasis on sugar will only add to your waistline. Its end products tend to damage the collagen and the elastin, leading to saggy and wrinkly skin.

3. Smoking: It is a known fact that is damaging to your health, but it also speeds up ageing. Its harmful chemicals deprive your cells of oxygen leading to a pale appearance. They also break down the collagen in the skin, once again leading to wrinkly skin.

4. Drinking: Being a natural diuretic, alcohol causes dehydration. This robs your skin of its natural moisture, making you look much older. It also rids your body of Vitamin A and C that are antioxidants important for making your skin look supple and well hydrated.

5. Exposure to sun rays: Sun rays only do more harm to your skin than good. Exposure to its ultra-violet rays (UV rays) can weaken your blood cells which can make your skin look leathery. It can lead to pigmentation of skin as well. Sagging and wrinkling follow.

6. Not enough veggies: Veggies are essential antioxidants that help you look youthful, but they only last for some time and must be replenished daily. It is important to take care of your body and small changes to your everyday routine can go a long way to slow that ageing process and make you look your age, young and refreshing.

Dr. Sujata Bauskar
Dr. Sujata Bauskar
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Panchakarma, 23 yrs, Pune
Dr. Amruta Siddha
Dr. Amruta Siddha
MBBS, ENT Specialist, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vrushali Garde
Dr. Vrushali Garde
MBBS, Psychiatrist, 11 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sandeep Patil
Dr. Sandeep Patil
BHMS, Homeopath, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Deepali Ladkat
Dr. Deepali Ladkat
BHMS, Homeopath, Pune