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HelloDox Care

Blood Alcohol Concentration

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) refers to the amount of alcohol present in the bloodstream.
A BAC of 0.05% (point 0 five) means that there is 0.05 grams of alcohol in every 100 millilitres of blood.

Factors affecting the BAC:
The more a person drinks, the higher their BAC, however, two people who drink the same amount of alcohol might register quite different BACs. This is due to a variety of factors including body size, whether or not they have eaten recently, percentage of body fat, whether they are male or female and whether or not they have drunk before.

Body size:
A smaller person will have a higher BAC than a larger person for the same amount of alcohol consumed, because the alcohol is concentrated in a smaller body mass.

Empty stomach:
A person with an empty stomach will reach a higher BAC sooner than someone who has just eaten a meal, because food in the stomach slows the rate at which alcohol passes into the bloodstream. However, eating before drinking does not prevent intoxication.

Body fat:
Alcohol is not absorbed into fatty tissue, therefore people with a greater proportion of body fat will develop a high BAC more quickly than those who have lower proportions of fatty tissue. This occurs because the alcohol becomes concentrated in the smaller mass of non-fatty tissue.

Women's bodies, being generally smaller than those of men and with a higher ratio of fatty tissue to lean muscle, will absorb alcohol more quickly than men's bodies do. This means that a woman drinking the same amount of alcohol as a man, will develop a high BAC more quickly than the man will.

Less experienced drinkers have a lower tolerance to alcohol and so their BAC is likely to rise more quickly than it will in more experienced drinkers.

One standard drink:
One 12 oz. regular beer (4.5% alcohol)
One 7 oz. malt liquor (7% alcohol)
One 5 oz. glass of wine (12% alcohol)
One 1.5 oz. shot of hard liquor (40% alcohol)
One-third jigger (.5 oz.) of Everclear (95% alcohol)

More than one standard drink:
One 16 oz. cup of beer = 1.4 drinks
One 40 oz. beer = 3.6 drinks
One 22 oz. malt liquor = 3 drinks
One 12 oz. glass of wine = 2.9 drinks
One 12 oz. margarita = 2–4 drinks, depending on ingredients
One 12 oz. cup of trashcan punch = 4–10 drinks, depending on ingredients

Wait for your BAC to drop before driving:

It is important to remember that BAC can continue to rise up up to 3 hours after the last drink was consumed.

The only way to remove alcohol from your system is to allow the body time to process it. Showers, coffee or fresh air will not reduce BAC.

On average, the liver breaks down a little less than one standard drink per hour. Before driving, you should wait at least an hour for each standard drink you've had.
Have a back-up plan

If you have too much to drink, be prepared to make other arrangements so you don't have to drive to get home.

Dr. HelloDox Care #
HelloDox Care

Blood Alcohol Concentration

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) refers to the amount of alcohol present in the bloodstream.
A BAC of 0.05% (point 0 five) means that there is 0.05 grams of alcohol in every 100 millilitres of blood.

Factors affecting the BAC:
The more a person drinks, the higher their BAC, however, two people who drink the same amount of alcohol might register quite different BACs. This is due to a variety of factors including body size, whether or not they have eaten recently, percentage of body fat, whether they are male or female and whether or not they have drunk before.

Body size:
A smaller person will have a higher BAC than a larger person for the same amount of alcohol consumed, because the alcohol is concentrated in a smaller body mass.

Empty stomach:
A person with an empty stomach will reach a higher BAC sooner than someone who has just eaten a meal, because food in the stomach slows the rate at which alcohol passes into the bloodstream. However, eating before drinking does not prevent intoxication.

Body fat:
Alcohol is not absorbed into fatty tissue, therefore people with a greater proportion of body fat will develop a high BAC more quickly than those who have lower proportions of fatty tissue. This occurs because the alcohol becomes concentrated in the smaller mass of non-fatty tissue.

Women's bodies, being generally smaller than those of men and with a higher ratio of fatty tissue to lean muscle, will absorb alcohol more quickly than men's bodies do. This means that a woman drinking the same amount of alcohol as a man, will develop a high BAC more quickly than the man will.

Less experienced drinkers have a lower tolerance to alcohol and so their BAC is likely to rise more quickly than it will in more experienced drinkers.

One standard drink:
One 12 oz. regular beer (4.5% alcohol)
One 7 oz. malt liquor (7% alcohol)
One 5 oz. glass of wine (12% alcohol)
One 1.5 oz. shot of hard liquor (40% alcohol)
One-third jigger (.5 oz.) of Everclear (95% alcohol)

More than one standard drink:
One 16 oz. cup of beer = 1.4 drinks
One 40 oz. beer = 3.6 drinks
One 22 oz. malt liquor = 3 drinks
One 12 oz. glass of wine = 2.9 drinks
One 12 oz. margarita = 2–4 drinks, depending on ingredients
One 12 oz. cup of trashcan punch = 4–10 drinks, depending on ingredients

Wait for your BAC to drop before driving:

It is important to remember that BAC can continue to rise up up to 3 hours after the last drink was consumed.

The only way to remove alcohol from your system is to allow the body time to process it. Showers, coffee or fresh air will not reduce BAC.

On average, the liver breaks down a little less than one standard drink per hour. Before driving, you should wait at least an hour for each standard drink you've had.
Have a back-up plan

If you have too much to drink, be prepared to make other arrangements so you don't have to drive to get home.

Excess of anything is never healthy and the same applies in the case of alcohol. Alcohol experts have come to a conclusion that drinking too much alcohol reduces affects negatively in both the genders.

Alcohol Myth Busted

Since time immemorial, people have considered alcohol to be an aphrodisiac. However, this myth has been busted time and again by the side effects of excessive alcohol. On the contrary, alcohol is known to induce depression after consumption.

Alcohol, if consumed in unnatural quantity over a period of time can turn conditions like 'brewer's droop', which otherwise might be temporary into permanent impotence. Alcohol addiction is a cardinal sin for couples planning on having a baby. Women, whose bodies are much more sensitive and complex than a man's body, react greatly to even a small quantity of alcohol. Even government's guidelines on low-risk alcohol consumption unit do not guarantee no harm, and people are known to have taken much longer time to get pregnant and irregularity in their menstrual cycles even after abiding by the government's guidelines.

What Is Moderation?

No one is asking you to completely cut down on alcohol. But moderation should then be a religion for all the drinkers. Moderate drinking includes no more than 2 drinks per day (US. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention). The explanation is that your liver can act on alcohol at one standard size drink an hour, so heavy drinking means that too much alcohol for the liver to handle and hence unhealthy toxins are released in the body having an adverse effect on the sex life.

Some of the more common problems caused by alcohol in a couple's sex life are:

Long-term erectile dysfunction: The most common of all the problems, erectile dysfunction can most commonly be attributed to heavy drinking. 60% of men who are alcohol addicts are known to be suffering from loss of sexual appetite.

Ruined Families and relationships: Alcohol can be considered one of the biggest inducers of divorce among couples. It makes people less caring and more and more involved in their drinking antics. 90% of domestic violence incidents include alcohol.

Side effects of smoking: Drinking is usually accompanied by cigarettes and a cocktail of these two substances can be a deadly weapon against your sanity. For men below 40, erectile dysfunction primarily happens because of excessive smoking.
STDs: Alcohol consumption helps people shed their inhibition and cases of unprotected sex increases. It increases your chances of actually getting an STD. 50% of all impromptu sexual encounters happen in the presence of alcohol and 60% STD spread when alcohol is also in the picture. Young adults who consume alcohol at an alarming rate are 7 times more likely to indulge in unprotected sexual intercourse.

Hence, we see that alcohol addiction does not compliment healthy sex life and therefore people must toe in line at the right time to ensure the wellbeing of their lifestyle and sexual activities.

If you are a heavy drinker and you are having problems with your sex life, they are likely to be caused because of your alcohol consumption. Sex and alcohol are not considered to be a good mixture. Although a small amount of alcohol is harmless, moderate to heavy drinking can hamper your sex life in several ways. Moreover, alcohol is very dangerous for pregnant women.

Alcohol can lead to sexual problems and issues in both men and women. It can also make them behave in a different and unusual manner, which may lead them into having sex with people who are unsuitable. It makes people take unnecessary risks and many get infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Unwanted pregnancy after having sex is a common aspect in today’s world. Alcohol also makes people likely to be victims of sexual attacks.

The bad effects of alcohol on your sex life
There are several bad effects of alcohol which take a toll on your sexual life. They are as follows:

Alcohol may make people more likely to engross in sexual activity with the wrong person. Getting pregnant, catching infections and embarking in affairs which lead to the breakup of many marriages are common effects of alcohol. Alcohol is a primary reason for the demand of the emergency contraceptive or morning after pill, all over the world.

Alcohol fuddles up people's brain and many of them forget to take proper contraceptive precautions before having sex.

Alcohol is very harmful for unborn babies in pregnant women. It may cause brain damage to the baby. You should consume alcohol as less as possible during pregnancy and totally avoid it during the first three months of pregnancy.

Alcohol accounts for being a major cause of erectile dysfunction or impotence in men. Alcohol may increase your sexual desire, but it reduces your performance.

Men who are heavy drinkers may develop a permanent case of brewer’s droop. Loss of sexual interest is also likely.

Excessive alcohol may lead to diminished or reduced libido in women as well. It is yet to be proven whether alcohol causes any other sexual complications in women.

व्यसन हे दारूचे असो, सिगारेट अथवा तंबाखूचे, त्याचा आपल्या शरीरासह मनावर विपरीत प‍रीणाम झाल्याशिवाय राहत नाही. नशा केल्याने आपले गुण नष्ट होतातच तर आत्मा आणि शरीर या दोघांनाही हळू- हळू नष्ट होत असतात. दारू हे 'स्लो पॉयझन' असे जरी आपण गंमतीने म्हणत असलो तरी ते खरे आहे.

पहिल्यादा दारू पिणार्‍यापैकी 15 ते 25 टक्के लोक व्यसनी होत असतात. ही फार वाईट सवय आहे. आजच्या आधुनिक जीनवात दारूने सहजरित्या प्रवेश केला आहे. आज स्त्री, पुरुष, युवावर्ग, वृध्द या सगळयांना ती प्रिय असते मात्र दारु कोणावर प्रेम करत नाही. या गोड विषाला सोडण्याच भलाई आहे, नाही तर तुमच्याकडे पश्चाताप करण्यासाठी ही वेळ शिल्लक राहणार नाही. दारु, सिगारेट व तंबाखू सोडण्‍याचे सहज व सोपे उपाय आम्ही आपल्यासाठी देत आहोत. ते पुढील प्रमाणे...

1. सफरचंदाचा रस वेळोवेळी पिल्याने तसेच जेवनात सेफचा उपयोग केल्याने दारू पिण्याची सवय सुटते.

2. उकडलेले सफरचंद दिवसातून तीन- चारदा सेवन केल्याने दारूची सवय सुटते.

3. एका हळदीचे बारीक-बारीक तुकडे करावे जेव्हा पण सिगारेट, तंबाखू खाण्‍याची इच्छा झाली तेव्हा हळदीचे तुकडे तोंडात टाकून आराम चघळावे. काही दिवसात विडी, सिगारेट व तंबाखूची सवय सुटते.

4. सिगारेट सोडण्यासाठी दालचीनीला बारीक वाटून शहदामध्ये टाकून जेव्हा सिगारेट ओढण्याची इच्छा झाला तेव्हा मिश्रण बोटाने चाखावे.

5. कांद्याचा रस 25 ग्रॅम दिवसातून एकदा नियमित सेवन केल्यास तंबाखू खाण्‍याची सवय सुटते.

6. चरस, गांजा, दारू यांची कोणालाही जास्त नशा झाली असल्यास 60 ग्रॅम अंगुर वाटून पाण्यासोबत गाळून घ्यावे. यामध्ये कालीमिर्च, जीरे यांची पूड व मीठ टाकून पिण्यास द्यावे. लवकरच दारूची झिंग उतरते.

7. एक ग्लास पाणी घेऊन त्यामध्ये लींबू पिळावा. हे मिश्रण दिवसातून अनेक वेळा घेतल्याने दारूची नशा कमी होते.

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